Principles of The Order and Conditions for Admission
The Ancient Martinist Order gathers its members of both sexes in groups called Lodges or Heptads, without any difference as to their race, nationality, religious faith, political ideology, class or social condition, having as its aim the spiritual improvement of its members by means of the study and knowledge of the Initiatic tradition.
The Order follows exactly the cultural, philosophical, liturgical and mystical orientation that was given to it by Martinez de Pasqually and Louis Claude de Saint-Martin.
The Order does not impose in the least any dogmatic doctrinal restrictions on its members.
The Order teaches all which it considers useful, leaving to the members the application of the acquired knowledge according to their own manner of experience and assimilation.
The Order divides its teaching into three Degrees called: ASSOCIATE, INITIATE, and UNKNOWN SUPERIOR, so that Martinists, when they merit it, may advance in their studies.
To be admitted into the Order the postulant must be at least 21 years old.
The postulant must be free, honest, of good morals and obedient to the laws of the country in which he/she lives. His or her conduct as a free citizen should be unblemished.
The postulant cannot be an atheist.
The postulant should show:
- the greatest tolerance towards all religious faiths.
- that he considers all those who compose Humanity as his Brothers, and that he does not have any racial notions or is negative towards different nationalities.
- that he is always ready to forgive and suppress, as much as possible, all impulses of rancor or vengeance.
- that he is always ready to practice kindness and to help as much as his possibilities permit him, the weak and needy.
The postulant should also be an intelligent person with a certain degree of culture that will permit him to learn and assimilate the fruits of the teachings given to him by the Order.